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Ants on the building site

Julia R.
Julia R. wrote on 24-05-2011

Hallo all,


as you know from my last entry, the builders have now started their work in Sonu's backyard and there was an unpleasant surprise, please see Victoria's (who is on site in New Delhi) latest message from the building site:

"Uncovered a nest of giant ants when the builders dug under the yard. The place is now swarming with them, big bad ass black things the size of small jack russells. The builders seem unperturbed and are carrying on with their brilliant efforts despite the 45 degree eat and the giant killer ants from outer space...PS I took photos to prove how GIANT these beasts are and that I am not exaggerating, will try and post them when I get a better connection."

as soon as Victoria manages to upload pics of these ants (which is not always easy as she doesnt have the best internet connection over there), I will post them here too.