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Change the world with your donation

Ich habe 3.523,69 € Spendengelder erhalten

S. Moebs
S. Moebs wrote on 12-02-2019

The donations will be handed over to Foot2Afrika in Tanzania in July, since all procedures to actually have the money available most likely won't be completed by 13 February.
Donations came in much slower than anticipated, so that the originally planned toilet building meanwhile could be completed with donations from other supporters.Donations will in any case be used for the development and completion of Moshi Youth Village, for example for furniture of a classroom, the library or other such things. Invoices and receipts of money spent will be published here, if access is still possible; else it will be published on the Foot2Afrika facebook page mentioned in the yearly review submitted on Sunday, 3 February 2019.