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Change the world with your donation

Changes to Donation Needs

(Deleted User)
(Deleted User) wrote on 19-10-2018

Dear Supporters,
Due to unforeseen changes in the financing of our project we were required to adjust our project 'needs' for donations. Because project funding from the State of Saxony was unfortunately reduced this year we were unable to carry out some of our desired goals. In particular this affected the expansion to a second apartment, and therefore the planned computer lab and it's furnishings (tables, chairs, carpet and sofa). All of the donations to date have been utilised exclusively for the project, however in the form of the 10% co-payment required for the fulfillment of the 90% funding from the Saxon state. All of the projects needs have therefore been supported through your donation.  
With gratitude,
The Women's Diversity Workshop, Meissen

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