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Change the world with your donation

Wir haben 8.564,49 € Spendengelder erhalten

Courtney A.
Courtney A. wrote on 28-09-2023

Girls Gearing Up is so  grateful to have received generous donations through the Betterplace platform in 2023. These funds will be used to fund our programming throughout the 2023-24 school year.
Our annual summer Leadership Academy is a launch pad for future female leaders, bringing together motivated teen changemakers from diverse backgrounds around the world for an intensive week of learning and skill-building. Every day at the Academy is filled with interactive workshops, team building games, confidence-building exercises, and interviews with powerful mentors from a variety of professional fields. We support and encourage girls as they build bridges of understanding and solidarity with their global peers. They discuss the issues facing their communities and the world, exchanging ideas and gaining insight into the experiences of others.
Our online events allow  participants to learn more about their international peers’ cultures and contexts while learning new skills and connecting with female role models. 
Our 1:1 mentoring program connects girls with female role models who guide them in achieving their own individual goals and who connect girls to networks, resources, and internships. The mentoring pairs meet monthly for an entire year, and mentees meet regularly to share their insights and lessons learned from the experience. We are continuing to build our online content library, which includes skill sharing videos on topics such as time management, public speaking, job/ internship applications, confidence-building exercises, and leadership strategies. 
It is the generous support of donors like you, along with foundations and corporations who believe in our mission, that allows us to continue supporting aspiring changemakers around the world.  
Thank you for being part of our movement to equip the next generation of globally-minded female leaders.