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Girls Gearing Up International Leadership Academy 2020 - Virtual Campfire

Courtney A.
Courtney A. wrote on 18-05-2020

Dear Friends of Girls Gearing Up,

After much deliberation, we have come to the conclusion that we must cancel Girls Gearing Up’s 2020 in-person International Leadership Academy. The ongoing global crisis due to the spread of COVID-19 has drastically changed the possibilities for international travel and exchange, at least for the time being.

This decision was not easy to make. Throughout our interviews with all of the highly qualified candidates this fall, we were impressed by their determination, motivation, creativity, ambition, conviction, and energy. In a world with so many pressing issues, it was absolutely inspiring to speak with over fifty dynamic changemakers from all over the globe. Our entire team was so much looking forward to welcoming our 2020 cohort and continuing to expand and inspire our international network of female leaders.

Unfortunately, it’s exactly the international nature of our Academy that compels us to cancel the 2020 in-person program. As you know, our Academy brings together girls from all over the world. This year we would have had participants arriving from India, Israel, Austria, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, the US, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, and Ethiopia. Because of the current situation in Europe, with border closures, travel limitations, and the continued spread of COVID-19, we are unable to proceed with travel visas and flight reservations. Furthermore, the  evolution of the pandemic around the world makes it impossible for us to predict or prepare for potential challenges we could face at the Academy, such as travel difficulties or possibly spreading the virus among our international peers. We feel it would be irresponsible to move ahead without taking these very important concerns into consideration.

We remain committed to empowering and equipping the next generation of female leaders. To this end, we will be launching our first ever Girls Gearing Up International Leadership Academy - Virtual Campfire in June. These weekly workshops, discussions, and Power Mentor interviews will be implemented on online platforms that are accessible to everyone and allow all of our girls to participate from the safety of their own homes around the world. Together, we will explore the core Girls Gearing Up pillars - building an international network and growing confidence; practicing concrete leadership and communication skills; and inspiring girls to take action on issues that are important to them. We recognize that this online program cannot take the place of our intensive in-person Academy, but we believe these sessions will offer a good opportunity for personal growth, community action, and international bridge building during a time of unprecedented global challenge. 

We are excited about launching this new program and look forward to keeping you updated on our progress. 
With our gratitude and very best wishes, The GGU Team