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Change the world with your donation

I received a payout of €238.87

Tom Z.
Tom Z. wrote on 05-07-2018
Your KINDNESS & GENEROSITY is making it happen !!!

We are preparing our journey to the Arhuaco Indians in the Sierra Nevada of Colombia and to other off-grid areas in South America. It will probably take place in the beginning of 2019.
We will bring as many LITTLE SUNS with us as you donate. Hundreds are needed.

But we have already delivered the first LITTLE SUNS to this indiginous community in April.
We also brough LITTLE SUNS to our projects in India: RAMANA'S GARDEN and ASTHA KIRAN, as well as our school project in the SIMIEN MOUNTAINS of Ethiopia.

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In times of darkness it is on us to BE the LIGHT we want to SHINE in the WORLD...

This campaign empowers everyone to take conscious action and bring light into the darkness.

THANK YOU to everyone for participating.
Please keep supporting this campaign, by spreading this LINK:

Here is a PLAYLIST of some Completion-Films:

THANKS for making a difference together ... because TOGETHER WE CAN