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T. Hock
T. Hock wrote on 03-01-2011
  • Stephan S. 42/M • Berlin, Deutschland

    Dear all, I got to know Tanja and Gerd Hock in the course of two visits to Antananarivo in the winter and spring of 2005. My wife and me were in the final stages of an adoption process for our second daughter (from an orphanag in Madgascar). Because my wife had fallen very sick, I had to travel on my own to pick up the little baby girl on the second trip. That was quite a challenge! I was struggling with a new baby, the medical situation, the language barrier, the bureaucracy, etc. Tanja, who I had just met through a mutual acquaintance, really helped me a lot to cope with it all. She was pretty new to the country herself and did not really know me at all - but she helped without without asking for anything in return. Only after some time I learned that Tanja was spending all her time on charitable work and that Tanja's husband, Gerd, worked for Heli Mission, a Swiss charity, as well - and that they did all that with the help of individual donors from several countries. I highly recommend both of them, as well as their project featured here, to anybody who wants to make a true and immediate difference in Madagascar.