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Kontakt Person: Marco H.
Kontakt Person: Marco H. wrote on 20-06-2017

Hello to all donators,

Due to your help the surgery could take place at 4th of April 2017.

The surgery was successfully and the tumor could be completely removed.
 After a longer stay in intensive care and the hospital, Anja was able to be released after about 5 weeks and is back in the Ukraine.
 The effect of the operation results in a longer regeneration phase, which will last a few months.Nevertheless, thanks to your and the help of our relatives and friends (in some cases pension savings were sacrificed to help Anja!). We all managed to give Anja a new life. We would also like to thank, who have always supported us and who have made it possible for the fundraising. We will also support other projects in order to help other people. We also would like to thank the “Ukrainische Griechisch-katholische Personalpfarrei St. Wolodymyr” in Hannover who have declared themselves as carrier. We know that it was not always so easy to overcome the bureaucratic hurdles. But together we have achieved the goal. I would also like to highlight the Asklepios clinic north – Heidberg, who also supported us with great care and were always nice and friendly. Thanks also to the experienced and competence professor, who turned the operation into a success.I recommend this clinic to everyone. Humanity is lived here. 

With these words we wish Anja and all of you a healthy and long life.