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How tourism makes a difference in poor areas of Uganda

H. Nalugo Sabastian
H. Nalugo Sabastian wrote on 23-11-2015

The idea is to connect poor and isolated communities with the booming tourism industry, offering villagers opportunities to sell their handicrafts, as well as providing other features for tourists.

Indigenous women from rural communities, such as Work together women's group, play an important role in this approach.

“The tourism value chain and its significant connection to other sectors, such as agriculture, construction, utilities and transport, as shown internationally, can contribute to poverty reduction and economic development in Uganda.

One job in the core tourism industry indirectly generates 2 additional jobs in the related economy,”

Volunteer sending organizations and tour companies have developed a set of training materials for small and medium-sized hotels and guest houses, and a training package for tour guides and drivers. It also created linkages between tourism schools and tourism businesses Western region of Uganda.

Volunteers give value to women efforts through buying handicraft materials at relatively good prices than the local people. Tourism really gives good business to women groups engaged in handicraft businesses. Consider making a trip to Uganda>

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Volunteer tourism