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You have created mini herds of goats in rural Masaka

H. Nalugo Sabastian
H. Nalugo Sabastian wrote on 26-03-2015

Bring hope to vulnerable children with the gift of goats.

Goats have been one of the best ways to help orphans and their families in need. They provide wholesome milk, cheese, yogurt and so much more for children and their families. These nutritious dairy products promote children’s growth and development and offer better health to adult family members, too.

And families can sell the surplus dairy products for much needed income. Since goats breed easily and very fast, soon there will be baby goats to pass along or sell. Here we improve the family incomes in a sustainable manner.

NIRP Uganda continues to support orphans and other vulnerable children in Uganda.  Many children lives have  been transformed by your gift of goats. Thanks for your goodwill and generosity. Everyday we work for a little better world.

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Pictures show some of the goat beneficiaries developing their one goat into mini heards of goats.

Another child needs your help