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Change the world with your donation

I received a payout of €101.29

Tom Z.
Tom Z. wrote on 19-12-2017

Dear freinds of NAI ROSHNI / ASTHA KIRAN

THANK YOU for supporting this great project of SONIA SINGH and her team.
You are more efficiently making a difference and helping to improve the lives of the school girls at the NAI ROSHNI SCHOOL.

CAN - the Conscious Action Network - is happy and proud to be helpful in supporting this cause.

If you have participated in last year's CAN-Xmas CAMPAIGN ... THANK YOU for that!

HERE is a PLAYLIST of our current CAN-Xmas-CAMPAIGN:

THANK YOU again for your generosity and kindness.
You made the world a little bit better.


Have a blessed Christmas

Tom Zachmeier
Conscious Action Network