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Visit to the Children

Catherine F.
Catherine F. wrote on 13-02-2011

Dear All,

I was able to visit our projects in Romania last month, and of course, went to see Sorin and his children. People had donated clothes, coats, boots and shoes, for me to distribute on my trip and these were so much appreciated! I have just uploaded a photo of the seven youngest children with some of their new clothes. Many thanks to everyone who gave clothes and to Agnieszka Perkins and Mark Cochrane for running clothes collections where they work.

I want to thank our supporters and volunteers who have helped us so far, with fundraising towards the carpentry workshop. The sooner we can get the funding together, the sooner Sorin can start his business and support his ten children, and can then start leading them away from a life of poverty. 

As well as the basic 'Ten for Ten' idea (linking with 250 people who can each give ten pounds), we had a charity clothes swap at University College London in December. Louise Lam also held a movie night and cake sale to support this appeal last month. A big thank you to everyone who volunteered to make these events possible!

We still have a long way to go though! I really hope we will be able to raise the funds soon. It will make such a positive and lasting difference in the lives of these ten children, and everyone can be a part of this.

Many thanks,
