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First Quarter 2013

Harrison G.
Harrison G. wrote on 09-04-2013

Dear friend,

Halo friend,

I hope that you are fine and in good health which is important to me.

Thank you for your overwelming support since our inception three years ago; There is a lot that we ahe been able to do, this has been possible because of your support.

In January we had a class room project which we started in December 2012. In January 14, we were done with the most work. What rremains is the finishing part. Again towards the end of January we started to build a chicken house with the aim of rearing chicken for sale. In February 14th it was complete. We brought in the new lot of 200 chicken and now a new lot of 300 chicken. We have a plan of keeing 1000 chicken, for this is the capacity of the house.

Third we started building a kitchen house, because the cooks curently cook outside. Which is not good and may cause food contamination.

We have a plan of purchasing property behind our school so that we can build more class rooms soon. I send pictures to you for all this progress.

Thank you for your continued support, together we can make a difference.
