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Change the world with your donation

I triggered a (partial)payout for these needs:

Harrison G.
Harrison G. wrote on 13-11-2012

Dear friend and Supporter, I am sincerely thankful for your hand in supporting Barnabas children's center. By your support we have been able to move an extra mile in ministering to the needs of the orphaned and the underprivilleged children in the community. I hereby request this pay out as the end month has come and we do not have enough money to pay our working staff, for this case the kitchen mothers.  Secondly the toilet building is uncomplete and we need to fix p the roof as soon  as possible. When we get the money we will use it wisely for the needs mentioned above.   Hoping my request will be accorded consideration. Harrison.

A donation amount of €200.00 was requested for the following needs:

  • Four roomed block toilet with a bathroom. €100.00
  • Salary for Kitchen Mothers €100.00