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Florian H.
Florian H. wrote on 07-10-2022

Im Februar hat die Invasion in der Ukraine die Welt erschüttert. Die Mitglieder des Habibi.Works-Teams und die Alumni kamen in virtuellen Telefonaten zusammen, um mögliche Reaktionen zu diskutieren. Obwohl diese Ereignisse nicht im griechischen Kontext stattfanden, haben sie dennoch Auswirkungen auf die Realität von Habibi.Works, vor allem hinsichtlich Sichtbarkeit und Finanzierungthe situation of asylum seekers in Greece. Our team was shocked by the double standard in responding to refugees from Ukraine compared to refugees from other countries. Unfortunately, while we applaud efforts to swiftly welcome and assist Ukrainian refugees, this type of response does not reach all people in similar situations.

The latest developments also show how important solidarity is right now. In Katsikas in March, for example, we witnessed the rapid construction of a three meter high concrete wall (with security cameras and barbed wire) around the "Hospitality Center" of Katsikas - the camp where much of the Habibi.Works community lives. With the construction of the wall, the security precautions in the camp were tightened and self-organized structures such as grocery stores, hairdressers, bakeries and even a kindergarten were destroyed .

You can learn more about these worrying developments and their implications on our blog or on our Medium page . You become active by signing the#buildschoolsnotwalls petition against the building of walls around the refugee camps on the Greek mainland. It cannot be that people are treated like prisoners even though they have not committed a crime . Stay tuned to Instagram , Facebook and the blogs linked above for contextual updates and personal accounts from people impacted by these measures .

In a previous newsletter we introduced you to Habibi.Works' newest workspace: the music and recording studio in the Geodesic Dome on our premises. For example, here's Balla Moussa 's Habibi. Works anthem since then emerged as well as some other wonderful songs. You can listen to them all in ourTiny Dome Concert Youtube series !

Then, in April, the Storytellers' Lab started : the aim is to tell and bring to life stories - biographical or fictional - through a variety of media (eg writing, music, visual art). The project "Letters to my new neighbors" arose from this: people who live in the Katsikas camp or in Ioannina express their emotions and report on their experiences as asylum seekers in Europe. The letters will be shown in several exhibitions in Malta, Germany and Norway in collaboration with the photographer and filmmaker Karrar Al-Azawi .

April is also the month when Muslims celebrate Ramadan . In response to the changes in the daily lives of those celebrating the period of spiritual reflection and fasting, Habibi. Works has adjusted its working hours: we are now open every day from 12pm to 7pm. Kamela , a member of the Habibi.Works team and a camp resident, shares what Ramadan means to her personally in this video. Take a look !

May was all about community. After the corona restrictions were relaxed, we were finally able to offer lunch together again. Our team cooks every day together with residents from the Katsikas camp. In this way, moments could be made possible, for example as Minacooked homemade samosas for everyone in May. The community kitchen has been the heart of Habibi.Works from the start. It is therefore a special moment to see them in operation again. Thanks to the commitment of Yaqub from the Katsikas camp, who takes care of the community garden , home-grown fruit and vegetables are now also included in the communal meals! The leftovers from lunch either end up in the compost (which is then used in the garden) or fed to the chickens (which in turn provide eggs) - so there is a small circular economy in Habibi.Works instead of! By the way: Our chicken stock has quadrupled in 2022 and now consists of 11 chickens. And if you're not following us yet: You can findeven more insights into the kitchen and garden on our Instagram account .

With the relaxation of the Corona regulations, we were also able to reintroduce the family day. While Habibi.Works is normally intended for the 15+ age group, families with their children have been welcome every Saturday afternoon since May and can take part in a wide range of creative and sporting activities . Along with lunch, family day also has a major impact on the sense of community at Habibi. Works, especially against the backdrop of increasing restrictions and controls by camp security.

Also in May, our plastics recycling laboratory Re.Works wasofficially placed on the map of precious plastic centers around the world. We are very excited about this recognition and have big plans for plastic recycling - including setting up plastic collection points across the city . The first place is already in operation and is filling up rapidly. In addition, we experiment with collaborations between different work areas and experiment with recycled plastic in the sewing workshop, for example. You can see the result here !

We are approaching summer ! In June Habibi.Works was invited to Ljubljana in Slovenia, because a new makerspace is to be created there. Mimi, co-founder of Habibi.Works, advised the city of Ljubljana on their project. Back in Greece, thehair and beauty salon opened in June , which is run completely independently by camp residents. People of all ages now have the opportunity to get their hair cut for free.

For another area, the MediaLab , we also received an inquiry for a very special project: A family from the Katiskas camp had set themselves the task of recreating the entire camp in a true-to-scale 3D model using the Habibi.Works laser cutter . Since then, we have been amazed at the patience, precision and attention to detail with which the family works on their project almost every day. True Makers!

In July , our team member and photographer Margherita launched a special one workshop series on photography. For many - especially our younger Makers - taking and sharing photos and videos is a way of expressing themselves , sharing their experiences, and making themselves heard. At the workshop, participants learned technical basics , talked about photo composition and how to tell a story with pictures. Jazz musician Elias from Katsikas was a guest at Habibi. Works and organizes a workshop on the subject of rhythm , sound equipment and recording your own songs.

On August 20th we joined a global effort initiated by Good Chance Theater to show our solidarity with the Afghan people. The occasion was the takeover of power by the Taliban in August a year ago. At the Fly with Me event, we traditionally crafted and painted kites and flew them here in Katsikas.

Also in August, a local artist collective from Ioannina organized a walking tour throughout the Epirus region with performances and art installations at various stations along the more than 60 km long route. Habibi.Works was invited to present our project at different stations .

In August, 
Habibi.Works will be six years old ! We are more than proud to have built up our project over the last few years and to have risen to the challenges.Without your support and trust, this trip would never have been possible!

We can now look back on a lot of experience, successes and crises that have been overcome . We have adapted to the constantly changing political context, we have experienced Habibi. Works with many and few participants, with two and twenty people in the team, in lockdown, in hot summer and in icy winter.

Nevertheless, the current reality puts us to a hard test: Habibi.Works faces its biggest financial challenge yet. Without the massive increase in funds, the project will have to be discontinued in the next few months. In addition, we still have ambitious plans for the future, but we need your supportin order to be able to realize these plans. 

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