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Smithsonian Folk Life festival news!

S. Choki
S. Choki wrote on 18-07-2008

Dear Well wishers,

I am very happy to inform you that we ( 2 students, myself and a instructor ) have return back from the Smithsonian Folk life exhibition which was held on 24th June till 6th July in Washington D.C, USA.

The Festival was well organized and all of us are very impressed by the number of people turning up in the festival every day. The visitors seemed genuinely interested and impressed with our work. We have Dawa (student) who was demonstrating carving work while Sangay (student) was demonstrating the painting work. Myself and the instructor was a presenter and our role there was to explain and answer any of their inquiries.

Our student’s participation in the paintings and carving for the temple was so well received and the temple was one of the highlights of the festival.

We are very grateful to HYF and the sponsor for our trip to USA which has not only gave us depth of knowledge but has immensely enhanced our experience and has helped in promoting our school.

We also would like to thank Smithsonian for putting Bhutan on the map for so many people who had never heard of Bhutan and others who had no idea where it is. We are very sure that we will have many new visitors to Bhutan and to CTAS as a result of the Festival.

With very best wishes,
