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S. Choki
S. Choki wrote on 23-02-2011


Dear friends,

Kuzuzangpola and a warm greetings to you!

On behalf of the students and staff of CTAS, I would like to

extend our sincere appreciation for your continued support

extended to our school. We would like to wish you all a very successful

2011 year and we hope the New Year brings you happiness and success.


I am pleased to inform you that we have had a very successful year in

2010 with tremendous progress in the school. The newsletter summarizes all the events that have taken place over the past 12 months which we will be posting on our website very shortly.

We hope you will enjoy reading it.

I take this opportunity to thank and express our gratitude to all the supporters for their valuable time and contributions to Choki Traditional Art School. Your involvement in our project has let CTAS evolve into a reliable training institute for many disadvantaged young men and women of Bhutan giving them new hope and life.

Thank you!

We will look forward to your continued support.

With best regards,

(Sonam Choki)
