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Important: December news

Uwe B.
Uwe B. wrote on 13-12-2016

Yesterday, on the 12th of December Diana was in the hospital for MRT in order to decide on the further treatment and surgery. Unfortunately it showed that the tumour has shrunk just a little, there haven't been significant positive changes inspite of the two additional chemotherapies that Diana has just overcome... The doctors' decision is to continue chemo and radio therapies but to substitute the medicines that have been used for the previous chemos with some new, including the expensive "Sutent" ( the price for 1 capsule is 134 $ and for the treatment the girl would need 28 capsules). Taking into the consideration the whole situation and the difficult location of this new tumour, close to the brain, the infratemporal part of the head (diagnosed on the 22th of July) the surgeon Belocerkovskiy, the specialist in the tumour surgery, does not consider it to be possible to perform the surgery at the moment.

 This news has been a real shock for Olga not only because of the additional cost of the treatment but also because she is worried about her daughter who will have to overcome the new chemo and radiotherapies, she hoped so much that it would be possible to perform surgery, even if it was not supposed to be an easy one...

At the moment, two weeks after the last chemo, Diana is still weak, reluctant to eat as she feels sick or starts coughing every time she eats, they are no more in the hospital, they are trying to get better at home.

Dear friends, as you see the struggle for the life of little Diana goes on and in this not at all easy situation Olga and Diana need so much our support.

We have recently transferred the sum of 1240 euro, collected with your help for Diana's treatment. We still have got 105 € on betterplace account to be transferred, but we would like to unite our efforts and to collect a bigger sum in order to transfer it to Olga and Diana as a Christmas present (Orthodox Christmas is the 7th of January).

When the donations are made through betterplace, we should wait 20 days in order to unblock the money for the transfer, it means that if you make a donation these days it will be unblocked for the beginning of January.

 If you'd like to help this little girl in her struggle for life, just use this link, it will take you only a few minutes with a credit card or PayPal.

 Thank you all!

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