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Final post - Handing over Sunté successfully

(Deleted User)
(Deleted User) wrote on 18-02-2018

Dear friends and supporters,

At the beginning of the new year we want to give you some insights on the project’s development and the future plans. 

Thanks to the overwhelming success of Sunté in Togo we were focused on expanding it to Tanzania and Uganda last year. There, we found reliable and promising potential partners. To ensure the profitability of the funds put into our projects, we normally visit every future project location beforehand. Therefore, team members travelled to both countries Tanzania and Uganda to get an own impression of the situation on site.

By talking to representatives, scholars, and the rural population we realised that a great development regarding health care stations and the general electric supply has taken place within the last three years. Many health care stations now have access to electricity through normal grid supply or solar panels. Moreover, small solar panels became cheaper and widely available also to the poor. This is definitely a positive development for the local population!

However, this also results in poor outlook for our underlying business model of Sunté. We had to understand that our concept and the whole project idea was no longer applicable and needed. After receiving this insight, we discussed the future of Sunté and decided to end our active project work.

Overall, though, we are happy and proud of the positive impact we created in Togo. Today, the electrified health care stations benefit over 50,000 people in rural areas! We have handed over the project lead to our partner, the kopeme GROUP, in 2017. They will further increase the number of supplied health care stations and maintain the already installed systems.

All our work and also the improved health care situation was only made possible by YOU! Without your support parts of the rural population would not have gained access to electricity and better health care! For this, we want to thank you wholeheartedly and wish you all the best for your personal future!

What happens next?

As we have found an incredibly trustworthy and capable partner in the kopeme GROUP, we already implemented another successful project called Effishent with him. Effishent is tackling malnutrition with aquaponic systems. Currently, we are also working on yet another project dealing with mosquito-repellent soap to prevent the local people from being infected by malaria. If you are interested, stay updated on:


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