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Urgent: Warming-up Nepal!

J. Ludwig
J. Ludwig wrote on 09-01-2016

Winter has arrived in Nepal. Most of the people who lost their houses to the earthquake 8 months ago are still living in provisional shelters. Political inability, corruption and a blockade at the border to India stopped the reconstruction for now.

This blockade is still active, and still not enough goods are reaching the country. Most urgently needed are fuel for the transport, gas for cooking and medicine. The provisional shelters, most of them are built of plastic tarps and corrugated iron sheets, do not protect sufficiently from the cold. These days it is not possible to get cooking gas on the market, therefore the people are forced to burn wood. This not only fosters erosion of the soil but also causes respiratory diseases. The elderly and the little children are most at risk. Some people died already last week.

In the next days, Ramesh, the treasurer of our Nepalese partner organization Akasha Academy NGO, will travel to the countryside to Suntakhan and to his home village in the Ghorka district. In Ghorka he will also visit remote villages, to find out what will bring the most benefit to the people. He promised us to deliver warm blankets and winter clothes for the children of the poorest families. We will support our Nepalese partners in their activities. Please help us now, to bring warmth to the Nepali people in the coldest months of the year. A sign for the Nepali that they are not forgotten. When the spring arrives, the reconstruction will be started!

Further Information: 

Wikipedia: The 2015 Nepal Blockade

The Kathmandu Post, December 25, 2015:
For quake-hit, situation taking a turn for worse left out in the cold

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Please help us now, to bring warmth to the Nepali people in the coldest months of the year.