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Ich habe 19,50 € Spendengelder erhalten

R. Wagner
R. Wagner wrote on 16-01-2018

Dear Sponsors and Friends of V2T,

Thank you very much for your support, we will use the donation to buy concrete. There are still many things to finance to achive the goals to make our project sustainable for the generations of children we take care of. 

needs in January 2018
Volunt2Thai is Cultural Center but also Learning and Recreational Center for Disadvantaged Children. Our V2T Language Cafe offers the children language lessons in English and other foreign languages. Besides this we collaborate with 6 schools in our area (we send volunteers for English lessons) Due our V2T library general knowledge is provided but also fun, games and exciting activities. We are every day available for the children, but also on weekends and especially during the holidays. We urgently need an advanced infrastructure in V2T Village, to ensure that volunteers can fulfill their duties optimally.

1) TV Screen + 1 laptop used for educational activities. Funds needed 1500 Euro
 2) V2T village is still missing 1 power converter electrical lines & lighting. Funds needed 3500 Euro
 3) Parking lot in front of the village including sun shelter for visitors. Funds needed 3500 Euro
 4) Tuck Tuck for transportation to and from school Funds needed 2000 Euro

Thank you for your help, we do everything to fullfil our duties as good as we can

Raimund Wagner
President V2T