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Three days to go

Annekatrin E.
Annekatrin E. wrote on 23-06-2018

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The last time I went on vacation to Uganda, I stayed for three years. In three days, I am going to Uganda again. My name is Anne, I am 36 and I am living in Germany. My home is Uganda and the rest of the world, my boyfriend is Kenyan, my daugther was born in Uganda, my tribe lives all around the world. 

I love Rugby, COOFFEEE and travelling. I am part of Rugby Tackling Life. I want to show you my world and what empowerment at Rugby Tackling Life looks and feels like. 

My first journey to Uganda was about 9 years ago. I remember people and even my family telling me about “here” and “there” and “them” and “us”. Fast forward 9 years I got to meet my people (my tribe) in Uganda and many of them happen to be Rugby player. 

So, let me take you on to this journey again and I will tell you my story and the story of Rugby Tackling Life, empowerment, compassion, COOFFEEE and more Rugby. 

Let your journey begin. 

Anne #rugbytacklinglife 

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