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Change the world with your donation

Call for donations | September, 09th, 2017 in Cologne

Rolf Zehnpfennig
Rolf Zehnpfennig wrote on 17-09-2017

When I ran across the Hohenzollern Bridge in Cologne, I paused for a moment and thought about the people who had locked their "love locks" on the railings. What do they want to express: Trust, affection, loyalty, attachment, respect, reliability, honesty?

A little further in front of me was a group of children. How are those children? I do hope that values such as the above are passed on to them in these times of social and cultural change.
 And, yes, children are our future!


My fundraising activity on the 9th of September 2017 was all about change and new physical challenge.

The British cult brand knew how to celebrate the end of season of it‘s 10th jubilee: The slogan GO FUN guided through the premiere of the FISHERMAN'S STRONGMANRUN.

The location: The Fühlinger See in Cologne. With seven small lakes, a well known resort, beachclub, venue for many sports events and festivals, the ideal home for the newest steeplechase of all time.

The StrongmanRunners were offered several distances. As an oldie but Goldie the overall distance with 40 challenging obstacles and about 22Km. The rookie circuit offered 20 obstacles on an 11km track.

Treu the motto „more is more“ there was a first time experience for the 10th anniversary: The fun run with 6Km and 15 obstacles – and I joined it: An exciting adventure with gigantic waterfalls, exciting swimming trails and ice-cold water-pools! What an amazing experience with all others 4.256 StrongmanRunners!

Over the past few years I did a lot of running and called for donations for my IN CHILDREN’S EYES endowment fund to support projects against sexual abuse, sexual violence and for prevention education. This has helped numerous children and young people. With this fundraising campaign, again, I would like to support children and young people, but this time focus on other topics:

A long-time friend who initiated the support of the KALKER KINDER MITTAGSTISCH in his company has sadly passed away. I would like to continue his initiative and therefore use some of the donations for this cause:
The team of the "Kalker Children's Lunch Table" prepares about 120 to 150 meals each weekday for kids who are not adequately looked after at home. This institution is becoming more and more important for the community and focal point of Cologne-Kalk since it is not only about a hot, healthy and free lunch anymore. Much more, Mrs. Lorscheid and her team are the contact point for the worries and needs of the kids and they take care of the well-being of the socially disadvantaged in Cologne in a variety of ways.

I would also like to support and encourage people around me and will pass donations on to AKTION LUFTSPRUNG.
Chronically ill young people want to participate in social life regardless of their illness and not be defined by their illness. On their own, they often find it difficult to obtain the necessary recognition of their abilities. They often feel inadequate and left out.
Stigmatisation gets in the way, particularly in the course of training and professional careers. This destroys any self-confidence and potentials can‘t develop. Through the long-term support of these motivated young people their skills can develop and flourish.
Patients then often even become role models for healthy people because of their impressive awareness of their limited life radius.
AKTION LUFTSPRUNG advocates organ donations, as these often are the last chance for the chronically ill.


I think both projects are worth being supported and look forward to your donations. Many thanks!

Please donate now!