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Osaren Igbinoba's obituary

O. Platz
O. Platz wrote on 23-12-2014

Sister Mimi was a community activist. Power to the people to remember her!

I just discussed with a friend in Jena about the death of our comrade and sister, Mimi from the International Women Space of O.Pltz refugee protest in Berlin. Who died today, 11th of December. I knew her during the refugee protest in Berlin in 2012. She was a Pan African activist from Kenya.

Memi was a grassroots community political activist who lived in Berlin. She was one of a few activists who devoted the last years for the refugee movement to struggle against the marginalization and against the discrimination of migrants in Germany. No body is legal – Her prensence in duty and in the dignity of the community was a leading factor in the unity of our resistance to break the culture of isolation and deportation in Berlin.

More information her death and ceremony will be gladly honoured in the community.

Solidarity and equal treatment were obvious in her struggles. We will be remembered in rest with our ancestors.

In honour, Osaren
