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Change the world with your donation

Thank you all – together, we can do it!

Eben C.
Eben C. wrote on 20-10-2015

We have realized through this campaign that civil society has joined us in pushing forward the agenda of Internet access for refugees. They share our vision in recognizing that Internet is an indispensable tool for the empowerment of refugees.

In less than three weeks after the official start of the campaign, we have raised 45% of what we asked for. This is a great step forward. Making a plan for a year would enable us to structure our projects, have clear objectives and achieve specific goals.

Based not only on financial support, but also on the feedback we are getting from all over the country (people asking how they can start an internet cafe from the refugee perspective in various Heims) we realize that our dream can be achieved – creating “free spaces” in “controlled spaces” not only in Berlin and Brandenburg but also in the whole of Germany and Europe.

We are very grateful and thankful to all efforts. Together we shall reach the milestones we set. Together, we can do it!

Thank you for your donations!