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Worries for helpers and assisted refugee families

K. Malige
K. Malige wrote on 27-03-2015

The worries for our helpers on site have accompanied us since we first started our work. However, these worries do not have a paralyzing effect, but they encourage us to assist these helpers as much as possible in their daily work and to support them well.

Our helpers are also worried for the families they assist: once a family that had just received a care-package from one of our helpers asked her: “Are you not scared to drive around and distribute these care packages?” Our helper answered: “If I was scared, you wouldn’t receive your care package.”
She started crying on the way back to the car and said to herself: “Of course I’m scared! But the thought of you going hungry scares me even more!”

Such helpers are godsends. For refugees inside Syria. For Syria. For us. And they are living proof that the Syrian civil society is alive!