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Change the world with your donation


managed by Y. Cabrera

About us

Salamanes Farm, Inc. stands for:

E-economic/environmental /ecological friendly
Mission Statement:
SFI believes that the most important responsibility of MAN is to harness the potentialities innate to every human being endowed with such a reservoir of talents, by filling the gaps together in a unifying and collective way of service, for everyone has an essential and GOD given-tasks, for us to exercise such responsibility for the glory of GOD, for the betterment of human lives, and for the heaven like habitat that The Supreme Being had prepared, abundantly and beautifully.

Vision: SFI vividly visualizes that by being one for the good and the betterment of the peoples’ lives, by embracing and seriously living the God-given mandate for men to be good stewards of His creation, the once upon a time “GARDEN OF EDEN” will be restored dramatically and the blithe of the irresponsibility and greed of MAN, currently destroying the beauty and the healthy environment, prepared for MAN by GOD; will be restored and a NEW MOTHER EARTH will emerge to sustain the human lives, once again.

The word Lumad is a term being used to denote a group of indigenous peoples of the southern Philippines. It is a Cebuano term meaning "native" or "indigenous". The term is short for katawhang lumad (literally "indigenous peoples. They are the people who are the identified SFI-IP-target of the project that needs to be assisted, by transforming the community into a showcase wherein the lifestyle is basically dealt on organic –orchard farming to develop sustainable socio-economic healthy environment and healthy living..Free from serious illnesses and conserving the God given nature.

Latest project news

Donations that cannot be used for the project

  (Deleted User)  28 October 2016 at 02:44 PM

Dear donors,
when managers of a project haven't requested a payout over the course of a longer period, the German law and our terms of use provide that we ( gemeinnützige AG, operator of use the money for our tax-deductible purposes. The same applies to the cancellation of a project, where the manager of the project is unable to realize it.

Therefore we will use these donations for the following purposes

Thanks for your support,

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daisyst,blk7lot11-eastland Estate,Yati,Liloan,cebu

Y. Cabrera

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