Schüler*innen Helfen Leben
managed by Sami Kirschenmann
About us
Schüler*innen Helfen Leben (SHL) is the largest relief organisation led by young people in Germany. It promotes and runs youth and educational projects in South Eastern Europe, Jordan, Ukraine and Germany with a focus on anti-discrimination, youth engagement and support for refugees. Once a year, SHL hosts the Solidarity Action Day across Germany, where over 60,000 students nationwide swap their school desk for a job for one day and donate their wages to their peers.
Our vision:
Children and young people take responsibility for themselves and others in society and work in solidarity for peace, equal opportunities and democracy.
Our mission:
Schüler*innen Helfen Leben empowers young people as experts in their own cause. As young people, we shape, decide and assume responsibility in solidarity. Our activities transcend borders. Education is at the centre of our programmes. Action formats such as our Solidarity Action Day mobilise students and secure our financial basis. In this way, we support projects in their local commitment and develop sustainable, long-term partnerships.
Latest project news
Wir haben 2.954,22 € Spendengelder erhalten
Mit den gesammelten Spendengeldern konnten wir junge Menschen und deren Familien mit dem Nötigsten, wie Lebensmittel, Trinkwasser und Hygieneartikel unterstützen. Weitere Gelder sollen nun über diese klassische Nothilfe hinausgehen und den aktuellen Bedarfen junger Menschen vor Ort angepasst werden! Wir halten euch dabei auf dem Laufenden! Danke an alle Spender*innen!