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Change the world with your donation

Majestic Green Inc.

managed by B. Toney

About us

Our Mission

Majestic Green is a non-profit organization and our mission is to:

* Provide high quality organic food to our community, schools and restaurants within a 100 mile radius from our urban aquaponics garden the city of Ellenwood GA.

* Aide in the fight against diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other sicknesses derived from unhealthy, processed and poor quality food.

* Educate our community regarding sustainability and nutrition while supplying nutritious food options in place of unhealthy, harmful foods.

So there it is - I'm building an organic aquaponic eco system in my ½ acre backyard. It will be a fully self-staining system powered by solar energy. So here's the reality, I can't do this alone.

I'm asking now for your support. I invite you to take a stand against nutritional blindness and support an organization that will provide sustainable life improving resources and options that compel others to do the same.

I know growing healthy food is just one part of a larger transformational project needed to create a healthier and more just society, but we all must do our part. Please take a stand with Majestic Green and extend the invitation for others to do the same.


4005 Bouldercrest Rd

B. Toney

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