managed by G. Waiswa
About us
TAOST_UG started its activities in February 2003with the aim of addressing the plight of Orphans and widows affected by the AIDS scourge. The activities were initiated through community mobilization and the promoters were encouraged by the attitude of the community towards the introduced programs.
To date, taost is a duly registered C.B.O/NGO with its offices located at mafubira village in mafubira Sub-county, jinja District. taost programs reach out to 250 registered Beneficiaries that include Orphans (children and youth), Widows and families affected by HIV/AIDS. It is important to mention that there are many other widows, youth and orphans in need who taost have at this stage been unable to register due to financial constraints.
Four men created TAOST, an organization that would outlast their own lives and help widows, orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs), and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) combat poverty, famine and lack of education. All four men struggled throughout their childhood, either as orphans who were mistreated or vulnerable children who had to take breaks in their education to become child laborers to earn their own school fees.
jinja district has a high number of Orphans, Vulnerable children and Widows yet social services to address the multitude of problems they face are still lacking in the community. taost is seeking to contribute to Orphans’ education, HIV/AIDS sensitization, Widows empowerment and Vocational training for the Youth.
The vision of toast is, “a self reliant society where individuals understand and practice the values of safe behavior, individual responsibility and have the ability to contribute to the efforts of communities to realize the desired goals.”
The programs include:
Formal education for Orphans and Vulnerable children;
Vocational training for Youths;
Widows empowerment;
Income generating projects for Widows/Youths;
HIV/AIDS sensitization.
Jinja Kamuli Road