IVA (International Volontaire en Action)
managed by S. GLIGBE
About us
IVA (International Volunteer in Action) is a humanitarian association based in Togo/West Africa. It is a motivated youngster initiative aimed to work for bringing together peoples by promoting intercultural exchange and world citizen cooperation for peace and development through short, middle and long term voluntaries in many domains (social care, agriculture, environmental, water, health, education…) in local communities. This is supposed to increase the contribution which can lead to achieve the millennium goals.
IVA exists since 1998 and works with local partners in different domains: health, education, social, agriculture, water-environment, communication, building or renovation of socio-collective facilities, microfinance, tourism… For its programs, IVA received above 15 foreign volunteers per year. The organization has a network of local volunteers and also actually gives home to orphans and vulnerable persons. It is a recognized organization registered under the receipt number 0783-MATDCL-SG-DLPAP-DOCA by the Togolese government. Its projects are open on its web site: www.ivaexchange.onlc.fr for all good wills.
At the moment we are searching for our local projects, volunteers and partners abroad. If you know any contact who is interested in volunteering in Africa, especially in Togo a French country in West-Africa, please don’t hesitate to direct it to us. If it is yourself also, you would be warmly received.
Thank you and hope for your cooperation!!!
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