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Words of Hope

managed by k. Enoch

About us

Words of Hope is a Christ-centered, biblically grounded, community organization aiming to radical obedience based personal discipleship in Christ Jesus. Our commitment to Jesus propels us to nurture authentic relationships with one another; build healthy churches; transform our communities, and engage every member in hands-on ministry. “As an organization built on prayer, purpose, and passion, we are in the forefront of creating a community of faith where people gather as one in worship, service and work Looking for opportunities to daily live for Jesus Our work is guided by our knowing that “The heart of the gospel is God’s redemptive love. In our life together, the world will see the power of forgiveness to overcome alienation, the strength of love to transform hate, the power of grace to break the bonds of guilt, the triumph of hope over despair, and the victory of faith over doubt. “Through the cross of Christ we embrace everyone as neighbor. Our vision for mission energizes a multitude of servant ministries of evangelism, discipleship, leadership, new church development, social justice, economic development and education. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we work together in mutual submission, humility, love, and giving that the gospel might be preached and lived in our communities.”

Latest project news

The Orphans' Cow Project

  k. Enoch  15 December 2010 at 10:53 PM

Words of Hope is seeking to develop long term support by establishing herds of cattle among widows and Orphans. We are seeking partners from our communities here in Uganda and everywhere in the world to join our cow project clubs. We are working with a network of 5 communities where we meet widows and Orphans and a few men in the community. Our network of community groups brings together 100 – 200 widows from all ethnic groups. The widows meet together in smaller groups of 15-20 for fellowship and comfort. The cow project club The cow project club can be set up by anyone, at any time and any place. You only need to have the heart for supporting women and Orphans. When you register your club with us, then you can start to fundraise for a cow. Different groups like churches, schools, banks, supper- markets, and companies may decide to mobilize their staff to have a cow project club in your place of work.

The provision of cows to those women and orphans: • Provides an important source of nutrition through the milk. • Allows milk to be sold to pay for daily needs such as education, clothes and health care. • Produces manure which can significantly improve crop yields from the exhausted soils. • Allows calves to be donated to other widows so that more benefit • Provides a focus for the widows groups to support and encourage each other and the community around them. For its success the project needs grazing land, sheds for shelter, good quality stock for cross breeding as well as native cattle. Here at words of Hope we will work with your club to identify the families and to monitor the progress of the project and provide you with all the reports about the project for your club. By making best use of their natural resources – soil, crops, animals, and water – people can farm cheaply, effectively, and sustainably. Words of Hope has already provided many families with suitable animals such as goats, Rabbits and Pigs, and provides the training on how to manage and look after the animals. Families learn natural farming methods to boost crop and vegetable yields. Key to those techniques is the use of composted manure – crucial for families who cannot afford commercial fertilizer. They also learn how to keep their animals healthy and productive, and prevent them from damaging the land. With a good supply of vegetables and milk, eggs or meat to eat and sell, families no longer go hungry, and can even share produce with their neighbours Words of Hope differentiates itself by promoting more than just food security. It looks at happier families, greater community spirit, more respect between women and men, better health, housing and education, more spiritual fulfilment and increased dignity. We work with people to help them overcome challenges such as lack of education, low self-confidence, isolation and prejudice. The cow project club programme aims to give people the courage and skills they need to make a success of the agricultural assistance provided, and leave poverty behind for good. Words of Hope works with some of the poorest people in the community, including children orphaned by AIDS and widows. Most of those are women, as they tend to be the poorest in their communities. Gender awareness training aims to help them understand and fulfil their potential, lifting the whole family’s happiness. By challenging the stigma of disability and HIV, the social development teams want everybody to play their part in their community. Always working through groups, the charity taps into the strong community spirit that characterizes much of African society. Pass it on principle Sharing knowledge and skills is a unique aspect of Words of Hope’s work. Each farmer that receives training, seeds or livestock from the charity is asked to ‘pass on’ the benefits to another needy family in the community. This Pass it on principle not only builds stronger communities, it allows Words of Hope to help even more people to develop skills, confidence and self respect. People are happier and healthier, children are educated, homes are improved and communities are more harmonious. By joining or forming cow projects group for your work mates church friends school or youth group, you will be helping us to reach many families with words of Hope from the word of God and also practical love.

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M36c Kabale Rd

k. Enoch

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