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Grace Foundation Gambia

managed by Nelson O. A. Osagie

About us

The Grace Foundation's programme provides schools meals for nearly 400 children at St Peters’ and Wisdom Nursery Schools. These schools serve very poor communities so many of the children arrive at school hungry because their families do not have enough income to provide even the barest minimum of food. As a result many children are withdrawn from school, and to earn money to provide food for the family, have to engage in street trading thus exposing them to risks including sexual abuse, child trafficking, teenage pregnancies, and child labour.

The programme provides these children with a daily nutritious meal, ensuring their attendance at school and safeguarding them from the risks of being on the streets.

The hundreds of children we feed daily eat their foods sitting on the floor as you can see in the photos and videos from the two schools we feed daily. And this is not hygienic and infact can also affect the child's psychologically.
The schools also have no kitchens.


5 Keita Street

Nelson O. A. Osagie

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