STOP! Micro Waste gUG
managed by Alexander Nolte
About us
STOP! Micro Waste is a non-profit organization initiated by LANGBRETT, a group of surfers and nature lovers. We link education with activities in nature to raise awareness about (micro)plastic pollution.
With the STOP! Plastic Academy we share our (micro)plastic knowledge based on our research findings, experiences and scientific papers. Our Train-the-Trainer program enables school children and company representatives to share the acquired knowledge to their colleagues, customers and peers.
Raising awareness about microplastic pollution is fundamental, but at the same time we need hands-on solutions. Therefore, we want to encourage people to reflect and adapt their own consumption behaviour and daily rituals; and to inspire them to develop their own STOP! station against microplastic pollution.
Latest project news
Wir haben 48,75 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spenden werden für Aufklärungsarbeit über Mikroplastik-Verschmutzung eingesetzt mit dem Ziel, Tipps und Tricks zu vermitteln, wie jede und jeder zu Hause , im Sportverein und am Arbeitsplatz den persönlichen Mikroplastik-Austrag in die Natur stoppen kann.
Kastanienallee 44
Alexander Nolte
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