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FUTURO SI Initiative für Kinder in Lateinamerika

managed by betterplace-Team

About us

FUTURO SI Initiative for children in Latin America, founded in 1994, supports projects in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala and Peru.
FUTURO SI has received the Seal of Approval from the German Institute of Social Affairs (DZI) for the responsible use of donations for a number of years.

Our organisation supports projects in Latin America dedicated to the following causes:
-Education and health care in impoverished districts
-Improvement of the environment and living conditions
-Social and educational work with street children
-Enforcement of human rights
-Supporting self-help organizations of indigenous people in Latin America

Since 1997 FUTURO SI has been operating a store in Düsseldorf, Germany. The store stocks Argentinean and Chilean wines, coffee, chocolates, CDs, books, as well as South American handicrafts.
The sales revenues help us to finance our administrative costs. Therefore FUTURO SI is able to send 100% of the donations made to the projects in Latin America.

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Projekt beendet

  betterplace-Team  07 December 2022 at 10:41 AM

Liebe Spender*innen,

dieses Projekt wurde ordnungsgemäß beendet. Alle gesammelten Spendengelder wurden an den Verein  "FUTURO SI Initiative für Kinder in Lateinamerika" überwiesen. Der*die Projektverantwortliche hat sein*ihr Profil gelöscht.Bei Fragen könnt ihr uns gern kontaktieren:

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