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Hope Centre Foundation

managed by Ahaisibwe Geofrey

About us

Hope Centre Foundation (HOCEFO) is a relief, development and advocacy non-government organisation dedicated to working with women and girls, children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. We currently work in 3 districts and have 18 Area Programmes implementing projects in health & nutrition, water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH), livelihoods & resilience, education and child protection.

Our Mandate
HOCEFO’s mandate is to ensure that vulnerable Rural Communities in Uganda have access to Sustainable Social economic services and are empowered to contribute to sustainable development. We achieve this through utilization of the “human rights based and the community driven approaches” in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals that guide direct implementation of projects in areas of project planning, execution and documentation in thematic areas.


Complex street, Karuguuza Kibaale-Uganda

Ahaisibwe Geofrey

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