Arts for Change e.V.
managed by Miriam Richter
About us
Arts for Change e.V. is a non-profit association founded in 2020. Through various artistic projects such as theater, storytelling or workshops, we support our local partner organization Omuti Kreativ in Uganda. Through the association we collect donations for projects in Uganda and also organize our own projects in Germany. We aim to promote education and information about the interrelationships of global development cooperation and to contribute to intercultural awareness. Omuti Kreativ is a social enterprise that specializes in the fight against child and human trafficking. The educational work is combined with numerous creative methods such as theater, handicrafts, film and dance. A second focus is on promoting the creativity of children and young people and how they can use it to help shape society and fight injustice.
Latest project news

Wir haben 107,25 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spendengelder werden wie im Bedarf beschrieben für die Deckung von Mietkosten genutzt. Die Spenden waren dieses Jahr eine große Hilfe, um unsere ugandische Partnerorganisation Omuti Kreativ dabei zu unterstützen, finanziell stabiler zu agieren. Da es sich bei den Mietbedarfen um wiederkehrende laufende Bedarfe handelt, ändert sich beim Einsatz der Spendengelder nichts. Vielen Dank an die großartigen Spender*innen, die dies 2024 möglich gemacht haben!
Walter-Hohmann-Strasse 17