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Deutsches Inklusionszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH

managed by betterplace-Team

About us

The German Inclusion Center gGmbH (DIZ), formerly Institute for Inclusive Education gGmbH*, develops and implements educational programs by and with people with disabilities. For this purpose, a qualification was designed in which people with disabilities are qualified as educational specialists. In lectures and seminars, educational specialists convey the life situations and experiences of people with disabilities to students and thus make valuable contributions to educational work. The qualification to educational specialists creates jobs for people with disabilities, from which they can have a self-determined life.

The DIZ links and supports people in colleges and universities, politics, administration, associations and companies in order to successfully implement inclusion in practice.

*The Institute for Inclusive Education moved to the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel at the beginning of the year. The gGmbH (non-profit limited company) now operates under the new name German Inclusion Center. Shareholder of the DIZ is the Drachensee Foundation.

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Wir haben 58,50 € Spendengelder erhalten

  (Deleted User)  25 July 2024 at 10:28 AM

 Das Deutsche Inklusionszentrum (ehemals Institut für Inklusive Bildung) möchte sowohl die Lebenslagen von Menschen mit Behinderungen als auch das Hochschulsystem nachhaltig verändern. Das größte Potential für Veränderung entfaltet sich dann, wenn Menschen mit Behinderungen selbst als Lehrende an Hochschulen auftreten. Sie vermitteln als Expert*innen für eigene Behinderungserfahrungen Studierenden praxisnah, was Inklusion bedeutet. Damit fördern sie eine inklusive professionelle Haltung, die Studierende in ihrem späteren Berufsleben weitergeben können. 

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