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Flowers of Hope Self Help Group

managed by Felix Ademba

About us

The organization came up from youths and women who saw the plight of victims of the cyclic post election violence and the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The group works towards provision of vocational skills through training and provision of tools on loan basis to the graduates. The group is also involved in production, table banking, group farming. The amount acrued from these activities and from small fee payed by beneficiaries are used for day to day running of the project. Most of our members have underlying medical conditions and therefore require frequent medical services. The few private and government hospitals around are far and some charge exorbitant fee for their services,which the target group can hardly afford. We end up losing patients due to this.The group plans to set up a dispensary for them. We have already set up a building for this and we have volunteers who are health professionals.We request for help in equipping the facility with drugs and medical equipment



Felix Ademba

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