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Uganda village "Namaziba" Survival food support du

managed by Art Destreet

About us

Once again we understand the times are a tough to each of us in one way or the other. We wouldn't have written you if there was another way but my family our village are on a sharp end and atleast we are happy we m as naged to get them through the past 5.5 months of lockdown in this country where we live on a day yo day income.

We are trying to support our friends in Namaziba, Uganda. The COVID-19 lockdown hits the rural communities hard. Many people are depending on daily labor and short term payments. Most of them can’t work at this time, unsure when they will be able to work again. The people are helping each other with food and basic needs. The community has formed a support team that collects money and goods from outside the village. Basis stuff like rice, potatoes, vegetables, sugar, salt and hygiene products.

A 100% of what we collect here, goes directly to the village.

If you would like to get in touch with the village support team, write me.

WEBALE! (thank you)


Mbukiiro road

Art Destreet

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