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managed by K. Gildhorn

About us

Apple, pear, plum - when did you last pick a fruit from a tree? is an online platform for all, who want to discover local fruits, berries, nuts or wild herbs in public spaces and shape the edible landscape that surrounds us. More than 60.000 users share POIs, arrange for planting and harvesting events and share information on everything fruit-related in local groups.

Our MISSION: We are uniting people and fruit trees.

Our VISION: Germany is an edible landscape accessible to everyone. Here people can fulfill their deep archaic need for sharing as well as direct and independent acquisition of food. Everyone is able find plenty of fruits in the landscape and has sufficient knowledge about it, thus a feeling of „There is enough for everybody" can develop.

This ideal of a self-evident basic fruit income for everyone shall serve as inspiration to implement the idea of the commons into other fields of life as well. This can help mankind to recover.

Latest project news

Wir haben 129,75 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Andrea P.  25 July 2024 at 10:24 AM

Die Spendengelder werden für den fortlaufenden Betrieb des Servers verwendet. Die monatlichen Serverkosten belaufen sich auf 121,77 EUR. 

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K. Gildhorn

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