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Roots 4 Kids

managed by C. Roots 4 Kids

About us

The founding and support of an orphanage in Cameroon and there where possible help guide children to go back to live with their family. This means: Provide in needs as shelter, education, food, (anti-retroviral) medication and vaccinations for orphans and street children who don’t have parents or family who can provide for them anymore. To improve the quality of life of these children by giving them a home, to educate them and by stimulating them to explore their qualities. To focus on sports and games inside the home as well as in the community. This because sports and games unites people, which helps improve the living conditions in an area. Setting up income generating projects, so that the orphanage can become self providing and which teaches children how they can provide for themselves. To bring Dutch children in contact with Cameroonian children by email, so that they will learn about each others cultures, habits, beliefs, problems etc. Roots 4 Kids wants to create more concepts on the different ways of life and we believe that it is good to look a bit further than our own borders. Sick or HIV infected children can find a home within the Roots 4 Kids organization and get (medical) attention as well.


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FAKO Devis

C. Roots 4 Kids

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