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Liberty Experience e.V.

managed by Kehinde Fawumi

About us

Because of restrictions due to the COVID pandemic, we will now offer our Open Stage in a virtual format – RemoteStage. In a time of physical isolation and social limits, we believe more than ever that music creates powerful social connections and contributes to a sense of inner joy and mental well-being. Participating artists will record and perform their songs from the comfort of their homes. We believe this format offers an excellent opportunity to entertain and inspire a broader range of audiences online and promote upcoming artists through digital marketing.

Liberty Open Stage is a musical skill-showcase initiative focusing on discovering and promoting new talents and the integration of new immigrants into Munich’s diverse culture and famous music scene.

We value every individual’s musical talents coming into our community and believe they should have the freedom to express these talents to the fullest and be given to opportunity to contribute while pursuing their musical careers

Latest project news

Wir haben 56,25 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Sofie Engl  25 July 2024 at 10:25 AM

Wir sind allen Spendern für die Wirkung, die sie durch unsere Organisation erzielen, äußerst dankbar. Ihre Spenden werden verwendet, um jungen talentierten Musikern durch unsere offene Bühne und andere Aktivitäten Chancen zu bieten.

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c/o Rumbidzai Maunze, Haderunstrasse 28

Kehinde Fawumi

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