Institute for Global Integral Competence e.V.
managed by Kazuma Matoba
About us
We are looking at a world where people use cosmopolitan communication to integrate their similarities and differences into beautiful, practical, and natural experiences of wholeness. We believe that integral communication theories and practices can help people to move towards this stage. We develop global integral competence in health, wealth and peace by offering workshops and forums at Flying University of Institute of Global Integral Competence, and by doing ongoing research. We work together with a global community of partners and sponsors in order to achieve our mission.
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote personal and social evolution constructed by “Cosmopolitan Communication”. For this we need to develop “Global Integral Competence” by practicing integral life practice such as “Transparent Communication” and “Global Social Witnessing”. The guiding map is “Integral Theory” by Ken Wilber.
Niederhofenerstr. 4
Kazuma Matoba
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