The Greater New Orleans Foundation
managed by R. Odell
About us
Who we are:
The Greater New Orleans Foundation is the community foundation serving the 13-parish region of metropolitan New Orleans.
Have you ever strolled the cobblestone streets of the French Quarter and been seduced by the sweet sounds of jazz spilling forth from every doorway? Have you ever dipped your spoon into the heavenly elixir known as seafood gumbo? Have you ever sucked a head and pinched a tail? And have you ever enjoyed a lingering kiss in the muted glow of the gas lit magic that is America’s most romantic city? Well, then New Orleans needs you to return the favor.
Here’s your chance to help preserve its unique and treasured way of life. The Greater New Orleans Foundation is the city’s foremost philanthropic group that has led the way in helping this rarest of cities recover from the likes of Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill. Please help us protect this most magical of cities, so that there will always be a place in your heart called New Orleans.
To learn more about the Greater New Orleans Foundation, please visit
1055 St. Charles Ave, Ste 100
new orleans
R. Odell
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