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Umzingwane Soccer innitiative

managed by M. Ncube

About us

Having been born and bred in a very poor family, I know how it feels to be "there", I know the feeling in that child who goes to school without shoes or without having eaten anything. Because I know that every little helps, I am embarking on project to help the less fortunate people from uMzingwane District, where I was born. I am just looking for four (4) football kits (even if they have been used before). My aim is to form a league within 4 different areas in my neighbourhood. They will be competing against each other. This will not only help improve their footballing skills, but take them of drugs and crime.

There are so many deaths in this community through AIDS and malnutrition related illnesses, so people are hopeless and helpless. I want to revive hope to those who are still living, I want to show them that there is more to life than just waiting to die

The type of help is based, but not limited to, soccer kits and equipment. I have already bought them one soccer ball and the whole community has been showering me with praises, just shows how much they appreciate every little help.



M. Ncube

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