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Lapalala Wilderness School

managed by E. Roberts

About us

The Lapalala Wilderness School (LWS), founded by Clive Walker in 1985, has gained international recognition for its contribution it has made to enriching the lives of thousands of children through a greater knowledge and understanding of nature, wildlife and cultural heritage. Learners visiting the 36 000 ha malaria-free reserve in the Waterberg Mountains are exposed to one of the greatest outdoor classrooms in the world. With 90km of river frontage, a rich diversity of fauna and flora and a well established population of black and white rhino, it is unrivalled as an a site for environmental education.

Lapalala Wilderness School is a registered section 21 company, thus we are a non-profit organization that actively engages in activities of public interest. LWS is also a registered public benefits organization.

Annually, about 3500 learners visit Lapalala Wilderness School. 70% of these learners are black children from disadvantaged community schools sourced from our immediate communities. These schools are fully subsidized by Lapalala Wilderness School, through fee-paying groups and donations. The remaining 30% forms our fee-paying component, comprising of Gauteng and Limpopo Schools, tertiary groups and groups from organizations such as LoveLife and Outward Bound South Africa.

The community outreach programme is an important priority for the Lapalala Wilderness School. One of our strong focuses is support of the Eco-schools programme (a programme that encourages whole school improvement through environmental learning). Lapalala Wilderness supports 11 local community schools in the programme, many of whom have been in the programme for two or more years.

Latest project news

Mpepule finally installs its new library

  E. Roberts  11 December 2009 at 10:47 AM

The library has finally been installed!   After a few months of red tape, the new library building was erected on the school grounds, just in time for the holidays.   After liaisons with the local Department of Education it was decided that instead of building a permanent structure the school would purchase a “mobile classroom”.  Due to recent policy changes within the Education Department, many smaller schools are being amalgamated with other schools in the area.  Although at present there is no indication that Mpepule will be merged with another school, Principal Doris was insistent that no matter if the school moves or stays, the library will remain with the children that need it the most -forward thinking for the youth of our country.


The school has already started a book collection to stock the library and have received some lovely donations thus far. We wish Mpepule Primary all the best for a very bright future.

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Lapalala Wilderness
South Africa

E. Roberts

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