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managed by S. Schabernak

About us

At ROCK YOUR LIFE! we have been successfully working with children from underprivileged families since 2008. Helping kids to obtain proper education, finishing school and finding their first job is a major factor in tackling social inequality. We empower kids to find out who they really are and to unfold their true potential. We help them understand what self-efficacy really means and how they can take responsibility for their lives. To this end we establish 1-on-1 mentoring relationships between university students (mentors) and teenagers struggling to make their way (mentees).

Our local chapters in over 52 German, Dutch, Spanish and Swiss cities have already supported more than 8.500 children. More than 11.000 volunteers have contributed to ROCK YOUR LIFE!, making it one of Europe's largest mentoring networks. Our impact has been scientifically proved by the renowned German ifo Institute, which proved that ROCK YOUR LIFE! greatly helps its participants to unleash their potential.

Latest project news

Wir haben 415,80 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Donatus Gatzweiler  29 May 2024 at 09:13 PM

Das Geld wird für unsere Mentor*in-Mentee Paare eingesetzt, um deren Aktionen zu unterstützen. Wir freuen uns über jede einzelne Spende, da sie ein Beitrag zur Chancengleichheit und Bildungsgerechtigkeit leistet.

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S. Schabernak

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