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MIRIAM- Österreich

managed by J. Kranner

About us

The Management Board of MIRIAM-Austria has its office in Klosterneuburg, Austria. It is the headquarter of the organization for Europe and has the following tasks: information and public relations, fund raising, regular accounts and reports of the projects carried out, as well as contact with the supporting groups, organizations and institutions.
In Nicaragua and Guatemala, project management is carried out in terms of professional, organizational and administrative aspects, particularly focusing on the exchange of experience with local employees, the organizational development and interinstitutional coordination.
MIRIAM-Austria and its founder, Dr. Doris Huber, received several awards in 2011:
-Herta Pammer Prize of the Catholic Women's Movement of Austria (Doris Huber)
-Honoring of the Republic of Austria (Doris Huber)
-Styrian Human Rights Award


Langstögergasse 5-7/22

J. Kranner

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