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HDVC/Kabuga ( disabled and vulnerable children)

managed by h. kabuga

About us

According to its history and rationale, the project HDVC ("Help for self-help to Disabled Vulnerable Children"). These emphasize the interdisciplinary approach to the problems of Mental Health and Education sectors, which are technically or scientifically multidisciplinary and / or cross, are ignored or neglected by the national sector institutions in Rwanda, when they are sources of suffering, ailments, diseases, disabilities or barriers to the enjoyment of basic human rights.

Specifically, the project HDVC- Kabuga is directed to the problems of vulnerable children affected by mental disability, particularly Cerebral Palsy (BMI) and related disorders such as epilepsy, and their collateral consequences on the overall development of the child.
Regarding the size of the supported population, the project currently provides a range of interdisciplinary care to more or less 57 children with varying disabilities, but turning around the BMI and associated disorders.



h. kabuga

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